Saturday, September 10, 2011


Hello all!!!

Our entire summer has passed (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere that is...)
I have gone to BC, returned, traveled to Charleston SC, and done The Brooklyn Arts Center. To give you the update that you have requested, yes it was fabulous!
Some of the songs that we chose were quite literal, some were nostalgic and reminiscent of all that we have experienced as a universal family. Others, were just plain fun!
Cara couldn't join us because she was engaged in a workshop in Flint Michigan. Sadly we proceeded through our week wondering if there would be a way for the universe to open up a hole and swallow that engagement for just 2 days. It never happened. What DID happen, is Christopher Hyatt called. He called to say that he was going to come with Richard to Wilmington. In my excitement, I gave him songs to sing, and he added the tenor, scat and missing "DIVA" to our night!
Backstage you missed our pineapple agenda, beige hoes, spaghetti mishap, dress discoveries and then some. Should you want to know more about what you missed, ask! I will be more than happy to share; but not until them ok?

As always, I love you individually and appreciate you corporately!
Here we grow again,
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